Digital Preservation of the Urhobo Language

By Stella E. Igun


The paper focuses on digital preservation of the Urhobo Language. The paper argues that there is urgent need for digital preservation of the language documents especially since the younger generation hardly speaks the language. The Urhobo language seems to be dying gradually. The paper also discusses Urhobo language endangerment or extinction, importance of Urhobo language preservation, ways of preserving the Urhobo language, digital sustainability of Urhobo language, digital indexing of Urhobo language collections, and challenges of digital preservation. Consequently, we recommend that one pragmatic way of making the Urhobo language function for its speakers is to make it compulsory as first language of the Urhobo child up to secondary school level.To sustain interest in the use of the language, the essay suggests that the Urhobo language content should be on the internet and there should be National digital preservation policy of indigenous languages, including Urhobo in Nigeria.